Game-based Learning Investments Infographic


Game-based Learning Investments Infographic

2016 is currently on pace to be the best year for game-based learning firms. A new analysis from the edtech investment firm Tyton Partners finds that 2016 investments in game-based learning firms is on pace to grow 20 percent over 2015. The research found that so far this year some 40 publicly disclosed deals have topped $248 million deals. Last year, by comparison the industry saw 93 investments or acquisitions that totaled $345 million for the entire year.

The firm published their findings in the Game-based Learning Investments Infographic that includes the major deals and the total for the past four years that have reached a whopping $3.5 billion (although before you get TOO excited remember the $2.5 billion acquisition of Minecreaft-maker Mojang is a big old hunk of that).


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