How to Find Your Life Coach Infographic


How to Find Your Life Coach Infographic

A life coach can help you see clearly where your life is right now, create a vision for where you want your life to go, and make a plan to get you to your destination. When your coach has a good understanding of what you want, they will help you, guide you, and facilitate the process of achieving your goals and dreams. They will collaborate with you and provide the support you need.

A life coach is not a therapist. Life coaches focus primarly on the future and how to help you attain your goals, while therapists focus primarly on the past and how to work through issues such as grief and trauma. Life coaches do not help with deep rooted psychological problems or mental illnesses, and they cannot prescribe medicine. While the two professions overlap and practitioners may use some similar techniques, a life coach is better suited to help you look to the future and achieve your goals. If you do have a mental illness or disorder, you may want to work with both a counselor and a life coach simultaneously.


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