How to Look Confident Even When You Are Not Infographic
How to Look Confident Even When You Are Not Infographic
We’ve all found ourselves in situations where we feel less than confident – whether that’s giving a presentation, interviewing for a new job, or having to socialize with people we haven’t met before. But we also all know that being – or appearing – confident can help us get on better in our lives.
A psychology study from Ohio State University found evidence that career paths are mostly influenced by an individual’s own level of self-confidence, rather than talent in their field. The experiment was concerned with a concept called “upward self-revision: constructing possible selves”, and it explored how four groups of students proceeded after being advised to apply to a business psychology program. The results showed that the students who already had high levels of self-confidence, and who were given positive reassurance during the process, were most likely to apply with the belief they would succeed and be accepted.
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