How to Succeed with ESSA Using Digital Curriculum Infographic


How to Succeed with ESSA Using Digital Curriculum Infographic

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) takes a new approach to closing student achievement gaps. Since it was signed into law on December 10, 2015, educators have been busy preparing to meet the requirements that will go into effect during the 2017-18 school year. As they’ve looked at areas for change and re-tooling, many districts have realized that effective digital curriculum can go a long way in helping them comply with ESSA mandates.

Digital curriculum fulfills many of ESSA’s core objectives, particularly the increased push to use technology to personalize learning and address the needs of diverse learners. Take a look at the eight specific ways digital curriculum can support your ESSA implementation efforts that are outlined in the How to Succeed with ESSA Using Digital Curriculum Infographic. Beyond individualizing instruction, you’ll learn the role digital curriculum can play in standards-based instruction, college and career readiness, and state reporting.


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