Why Liferay 7 is a Must Have for Business Infographic


Why Liferay 7 Is a Must Have for Business Infographic

Since its inception, Liferay has been one of the strongest examples of open source enterprise portal frameworks in the 21st century corporate world. Over the decades, the greatest benefit of Liferay has been its vast potential for customization and it’s simplistic yet powerful interface. Last April, Liferay Inc. released the latest version of their flagship: Liferay 7.0, the most recent stable version of which is, at present, Liferay 7.0 C GA2. As usual, the complete source code can also be downloaded as a compressed folder at the same link. Let’s spend a few moments looking at what is new in Liferay 7.0 and how it might aid businesses.

Extensive Database Support

Liferay 7.0 is tested to work with a number of databases, including the latest versions of MySQL, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB, and MariaDB. Further to that, it is also optimized to be used on the Apache Tomcat and Wildfly App servers.This lends the software a versatility that very few EIP clients have ever mastered, thereby making it fit and retrofit into a number of existing company frameworks.


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